Welcoming Speech



Welcome to Muldestausee municipality!

Muldestausee is located in the district of Anhalt-Bitterfeld in Saxony-Anhalt.
We have a population of approx. 12,000 in 13 localities across an area of 136 km².
The following is my sum-mary of the numerous charms that our homeland has to offer as I extend a warm welcome to you.



Our strengths in recreation and leisure:

 We live in the heart of nature!

We live in the heart of the emergent Goitzsche lake region, next to Düben Heath Nature Park, and are the binding factor that connects the two Muldestausee, the large Goitzsche lake with the Pouch peninsula, Seelhausener lake, Gröberner lake, and the Düben Heath Nature Park are some of the landscapes that have made this region a unique tourist attraction with enormous development potential. One of the coal-mining areas has already been transformed into a remarkable recreational and leisure area. The world’s largest landscape art object (Goitzsche Landscape Park), which was developed as part of expo 2000 in cooperation with internationally acclaimed artists, has even received the coveted EDRA/PLACES Award and is a vital emblem of the successful structural change.

Come and explore the largest mixed forest in Central Germany, surrounded by the Elbe and Mulde riverscapes. Whether on guided adventure tours or on your own, find your way through diverse hiking trails and nature trails. Let yourself be drawn to the “Heide magnets”, with diverse culinary establishments to help gain back your strength. Come and relax in the “Düben Heath health region”. Moor baths, Kneipp therapy, and fasted hikes are just a few examples of how you and your body can remain fit and healthy.

Make sure not to miss out on the “Best of Düben Heath” (Düben winter ham, Heath-herb honey, feta cheese, Heath brandy, and other delicacies); see, taste, smell, and feel all that Düben Heath has to offer.

We are multifaceted, creative, and interesting for all ages!

Enjoy the view on the top of the Red Tower in Pouch, which was built in the 13th century, and look down to Leipzig, listen to the impressive concerts by outstanding soloists from the Mühlbeck mud-brick church and the Burgkemnitz baroque church, or visit the first German book village, Mühlbeck-Friedersdorf on the “Street of the German language”, where you can read or purchase thousands of books.

For those who prefer action-packed vacations, there are many opportunities both on land (e.g. Goitzsche marathon, charity runs, nature adventure camping, long-distance cycling and hiking trails in the lake region and the Düben Heath Nature Park, relaxation in the “Goitzsche-wilderness” Nature Reserve) and on water (e.g. sailing, passenger ships, dragon boat, rowing regattas, wake boarding facility, etc.).

In addition to major events and festivals, such as the annual Sputnik Spring Break Festival with 25,000 visitors and internationally renowned artists of electro music, the Pouch peninsula has also grown into a resort for recreational events due to its predestined position. Come and learn about our growing local communities and traditions at numerous smaller town and club festivals in the summer months.
Tie the knot: get married befittingly in our manor house in Muldenstein, amidst an impressive atmosphere on Gröberner lake (from March 1st, 2018), or on the historic MS Reudnitz.

We are well connected!

Our proximity to the surrounding (spa) towns and large cities (mainly Halle and Leipzig) makes us the perfect choice for many recreation-seekers who are looking for a break from the everyday life, stress, and the hustle and bustle of urban life. Here you will find relaxation as well as plenty of action-packed holidays. Especially day tourists and those looking for short breaks are always most welcome for their “holiday around the corner”. The number of cycling tourists is also increasing continuously. The shared border with Saxony and the proximity to Thuringia also make us an ideal destination for many recreation-seekers from neighbouring states.

In addition to the connection to Leipzig and Halle, we are situated in the immediate catchment area of the Anhalt-Dessau-Wittenberg tourist region. We are honoured to host guests in our region, for example during the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, where numerous guests visited from all over the world.

In short: you are welcome!

The strengths of our community in living

We are familial!

Most of our families live in detached or semidetached houses. We have successfully man-aged to defy statisticians’ predictions on demographic change. More and more children are being born, which is why our day care centres are in high demand. We have three primary schools, the first community school in the district, 9-day care centres (2 privately owned), and 5 nurseries.

We offer our families relatively cheap home ownership options or construction land in devel-oped structures, affordable rent, and decent cost of living. We also plan to provide more of-fers in barrier-free living as well as apartments for single households.

We are active and committed!

We have numerous clubs to provide the perfect balance to work and school. Sailing on Goitzsche, hiking through Düben Heath, a variety of sports clubs or gyms where you can test your limits, swimming races, fishing and hunting, rescue, fire extinguishing and protection in conjunction with our comrades in the fire brigade and water brigade, or even challenge your-self in taekwondo or karate training – the choice is yours!

We are dynamic and love the youth!

Our young people want to stay here in their homeland. Since 2017, we have effectively ad-vocated for the development of a youth-friendly community with the first youth council of the district of Anhalt-Bitterfeld.

We are authentic!

Anyone who lives among us knows and appreciates the value of our transformed cultural landscape. Many remember a time when coal dust and chemical emissions penetrated homes and lungs and the noise from coal excavators drowned out daily life. Today, our region blossoms in the full splendour of new life. Proud of the achievements so far, we continue to develop our region. Join us and let us shape our future together.

Our strengths in the career field:

We are mobile and close to the workplace!

We are connected to the metropolitan region of Central Germany. Many well-known compa-nies are based here due to the modern Chemical Park in the neighbouring Bitterfeld-Wolfen. This brings us more skilled workers and offers promising career prospects for our residents. In addition to the connection to the large cities of Halle and Leipzig, we have many small and medium-sized enterprises whose employees get to enjoy short commutes to work.

The strengths of our municipality are further reinforced by the very good infrastructure. Our community will be one of the first in Saxony-Anhalt to begin broadband expansion later this year – with full federal and state funding. This opens up many possibilities to combine working and living more strongly (home office). The outstanding infrastructure, which includes several main roads, the high-capacity A9 and A14 highways, the good ICE and regional train connection, bus transport, and Halle-Leipzig Airport, offers you the ideal connection to well-paid jobs, study opportunities, or your workplace.

We are cost-friendly and support you to the best of our ability!

Employers can acquire commercial space at relatively cheap prices compared to the nearby city outskirts, which in turn allows you to invest more in your core business. Our trade tax rate is comparatively low. We support potential settlement of new companies and businesses within our administration region to the best of our ability. Economic and (especially) tourism development is becoming increasingly important in our community. The Goitzsche joint board is one of our instruments for intercommunal cooperation in this field and is aimed at compre-hensive regional marketing of the Goitzsche lake region.

I hope you enjoy exploring our beautiful community. Our municipal administration team is more than happy to help and advise you. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or suggestions.


Yours sincerely,
Ferid Giebler


Town/municipality No. of inhabitants Distance by car
by train
Bitterfeld-Wolfen 41.000 9 km 10 minutes 15 minutes
Sandersdorf-Brehna 14.400 18 km 20 minutes 30 minutes
Lutherstadt Wittenberg 47.000 33 km 40 minutes 35 minutes
Dessau-Roßlau 83.000 37 km 40 minutes 40 minutes
Halle (Saale) 237.000 38 km 40 minutes 47 minutes
Leipzig 560.000 40 km 40 minutes 46 minutes
Bernburg 34.000 60 km 60 minutes 120 minutes
Magdeburg 235.000 123 km 85 minutes 120 minutes
Gera 96.000 125 km 85 minutes 180 minutes
Jena 110.000 128 km 90 minutes 180 minutes
Chemnitz 250.000 135 km 100 minutes 210 minutes
Dresden 544.000 141 km 100 minutes 180 minutes
Berlin 3.574.830 155 km 120 minutes 80 minutes
Erfurt 270.000 169 km 120 minutes 90 minutes





Gemeinde Muldestausee
  • Neuwerk 3
  • 06774 Muldestausee OT Pouch

  • Tel: 03493 92995-0
  • Fax: 03493 92995-96


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Wenden Sie sich dazu gern telefonisch unter 03493 929950 oder per E-Mail unter info@gemeinde-muldestausee.de an uns, um im Rahmen unserer Öffnungszeiten
Mo, Di, Do, Fr 09:00 bis 12:00 Uhr
Di 13:00 bis 18:00 Uhr
Do 13:00 bis 15:30 Uhr
einen persönlichen Termin zu vereinbaren.

Bitte beachten Sie, dass die Gemeindeverwaltung am 21.03.2025 geschlossen bleibt.

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